Effortlessly Grow Your Business with

We are on a mission to bring green infrastructure to the forefront of property upgrades.


We’ve created a one-stop-shop for service providers to receive stormwater project opportunities, collaborate with other professionals in their field, find incentives, and funding for their green infrastructure projects.

Rainplan PRO provides resources, technologies, and funding to support our contractors. We work with a large range of stakeholders: property managers, homeowners, architects, and commercial developers. They trust Rainplan to help them embark on stormwater improvement projects.

Ready to optimize your pipeline? Create your account and be added to our directory of service providers.


 Why Join the Rainplan PRO Network?

Joining the Rainplan PRO network makes you the other half of an unstoppable team. We do all the grunt work of sourcing high quality projects, preliminary planning, and even finding financing for the project. All you have to do is sign up, show up, and do what you do.

contractors bidding

More Green Business

We help you expand into the green infrastructure market, connect you to complementary partners, and help manage client expectations from the start.


Get More of Your Time Back

We provide tools to help you streamline your lead development, proposal development, and payment management.

green infrastructure contractor writing
property owner calling contractor

More Support

You want more support in trending green infrastructure projects, such as training opportunities, rebates for certifications, and helping you connect to the right partners.

Projects Sent to You Are Matched to Your Specialty

We want both our pro network and property owners to be happy with their project. That’s why we ask you to tailor your biography to determine specialty skills.

Stormwater management design and construction has many facets and we seek to make the right project match the first time.

Timing is everything.

Be the first to know about community bid opportunities.

Join the PRO Newsletter

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Signing up for this newsletter means:

  • You get another email in your inbox once a month
  • You might find yourself deleting another email once a month

But for the truly ambitious and curious…

You’ll realize your potential with upcoming bid opportunities, education and training credits, incentive news for contractors, and tips from your peers in YOUR community.

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